Producer's Manual

General InfoLevel SystemDeck MasteriesTrade Cards
Record StoreDonationsIdol Compilation AlbumsIdol Raising Project

TCG Theme

Spotlight! is an idol anime TCG. For the sake of variety, the Spotlight definition of idol anime includes any series that revolves around the acting or pop/rock music industry. In the future, we may start allowing other genres of music - but we're drawing the line at pop & rock for now.

For those joining the forums, the original prejoin date was December 20, 2016.

Types of Cards

The regular (worth 1) decks consist of decks that fall under six different categories - character decks, performance decks, opening/ending decks, and puzzle decks.

Special (worth 1) decks consist mostly of PV decks and themed decks. Themed decks are typically member-created, although that isn't always the case as we do allow members to donate 1 special deck per month. Special decks also include decks for specific gacha series.

Member cards are worth zero (0) toward your card count but are allowed to be counted toward your trade cards when you trade them away for other member cards.

Event cards are worth zero (0) toward your card count and may not be traded with other members. You can claim rewards for every 15 event cards that you collect.

Regarding Update Freebies

All updates, for regular members, expire after three months - but there is an exception made for prejoiners, who are allowed to take from updates up to four months after they are posted.

I will always state limits on choice card freebies if there are any! If none are explicitly stated, then feel free to assume that there are none.

Card Pages & Deck Lists

The list of released decks may be viewed by series - or as one large text list that is sorted by category. The current default view is to sort by series, where one can click on a series image and then be shown all the decks that are from that particular series. When one decides to "View All", they will be linked to the old deck list that has decks alphabetized by series and deck name after they have been sorted by category.

Member-created decks will always be listed under the "Collaboration Stage" series, while other themed decks that were not necessarily created through the forum activity will be listed under the "Themed" series.

Event Lives & Secret Lives

Typically, our TCG events will be referred to as "Event Lives" as idol groups and agencies do like to hold events for certain occasions. Every event will have different sorts of tasks associated with it. Sometimes, it might be a competition-style format. At other times, it'll be something where everyone is a winner - meaning that simply participating will let you earn rewards.

Please note that, with competition-style events, you only get participation rewards if you actually try. We know that some TCGs will give you participation rewards just for signing up, but we don't really do that here. Our competition-style events will usually have a sign-up thread, and instructions will usually say that you need an individual thread to accumulate points once the sign-up period is over. In other words, your "point accumulation" thread needs to at least be started in order to earn participation rewards.

Now, what are the "Secret Lives" that we mentioned? These are basically mini competition-style events that members have to sign up for through Twitter, as that is where they will be announced. There will be a 48-hour sign-up period for each of them so the durations will differ - unlike the normal events that will run for 3-4 weeks at minimum (with only the round lengths differing for competition-style events that have a low participant pool).

The only times that a "Secret Live" will be cancelled is if either nobody signs up or if only 1 person signs up. As long as 2 or more people sign up to participate, the "Secret Live" will be held. These events won't necessarily have a reason behind them. They might even be announced through Twitter in the middle of an on-going main event.

People should also keep in mind that the winner of the secret live will always be given an advantage in the next main competition-style event that comes up afterwards (that they sign up for). If there's more than one secret live that takes place before a main event, and the same person wins multiples, then the main event perks will go to the 2nd place winner - and so on. Those that know me should know what the perk is since I mentioned competition-style events.

Achievement Plaques

After reaching certain milestones, members are eligible to apply for achievement plaques. Aside from event participation plaques, all achievement-related milestones will have their own topic in the Achievement Plaques forum. Examples of achievement plaques can be seen below.