Producer's Manual

General InfoLevel SystemDeck MasteriesTrade Cards
Record StoreDonationsIdol Compilation AlbumsIdol Raising Project

General Donation Guidelines

  • Donation limits reset at the start of each new month.
  • While you have to wait for a new deck claims thread each month, there is no need to wait to donate new graphics.

Deck Images

  • You may not donate a deck if you have not yet had your claim approved. (Approved Deck Claims)
  • Each deck donation should have it's own zip/rar archive upon submission. You will only be given one reminder if you forget to compress them separately. If you compress them into one archive after that point, your donations will not be checked and you will not be rewarded until you have remedied the issue.
  • Make sure to follow the following guidelines regarding the amount of images needed for each type of deck.
    • Characters: 25-30 high-quality images minimum; screenshots and other official artwork are both accepable. No more than 50 images in a single donation, please. The absolute minimum image count is 21 images. If you have trouble reaching this image count, but already have more than 15 official images (including renders), then please read the fanart guidelines before dropping the deck claim. Keep in mind, though, that we WILL try to find our own images to fill the donation before using any fanart provided.
    • Performances: 30+ high-quality screenshots; may include insert songs playing in the background if the song is never actually performed LIVE in the episode.
    • Openings / Endings: 30+ high-quality screenshots; creditless screenshots are preferred (remove blurry images first and go from there)
    • Puzzles: Horizontal, high-quality image. Cover artwork as well as game CGs and other official artwork with more than one character are permitted. (However, if a character already has deck made - released or unreleased - then images that have not been used in their character deck are also permitted.)
    • Special Decks: Minimum amount images varies depending on your claim. Cami will let you know the minimum amount after pre-approving your claim before it actually gets posted.
  • Please avoid using 4Shared when submitting your donations if you choose to upload your donations to a file-sharing site instead of your own server space. Preferred alternatives include: SendSpace, MEGA, MediaFire, DropBox, and Google Drive.
    • IF using Google Drive: Do not zip your donation folders. Just make it so that anyone with the link can view the contents!
  • You have a monthly limit of five deck donations per month. Each deck donated will reward you with 5 cards and 20 points. Maxing out your deck donations will grant you the additional reward of one choice card and 40 points.
  • Each deck donation should have it's own zip/rar archive upon submission. You will only be given one reminder if you forget to compress them separately. If you compress them into one archive after that point, your donations will not be checked and you will not be rewarded until you have remedied the issue.
  • If you would like to have a certain image as the master badge, please re-name it to "master" before compressing the folder. For character decks, label the image you like for the puzzle as "puzzle" as well. For puzzle decks, just specify which character or characters you'd like the badge to be focused on when you post the donation (or make it even easier on deck makers and crop it yourself).
  • Please provide deck descriptions.
    • For character decks, you do not need to provide a description.
    • Opening/ending decks are self explanatory. Just provide the sequence number. (EX: Opening 1, Ending 2)
    • Performances should be self-explanatory so there's no real need to write one for those - but since Cami isn't familiar with every series requested, make it easier on her and let her know the circumstances describing the performance.
    • Puzzles - outside of CD covers (which should be self-explanatory) - only need to describe the actual image being donated.
    • PV decks have a specific description template so their description should only be "Artist | Song" so that Cami knows what to put in the database.
    • Special decks are weird. While all PV decks are special decks, not all special decks are PV decks. Decks can be for a specific gacha series if desired so members have some leeway with how they write the descriptions for special decks that are not PV decks.

Level Badges

  • Level badges must be 150x100 in size.
  • Badges should feature a specific character, group, or series.
  • You must include the level name on each badge.
  • Filenames must be formatted like this: name##_level##
    • name: Your name in the TCG
    • ## (first): The number of the badge set that you are donating
    • ## (second): The actual level number
  • You may donate up to two badge sets each month and you will receive 3 cards and 5 points for each set that is donated.
  • Templates: Download Here (password: spotlightlvl) -- feel free to change fonts and text stroke.

Link Buttons

  • Buttons must be either 88x31 or 100x35 in size.
  • Filenames must be formatted like this: size_name###
    • size: The size of the button - either 88x31 or 100x35
    • name: Your name in the TCG
    • ###: The number of the button of the specific size that you are donating. (Ex: If a new member donates three 100x35 buttons and two 88x31 buttons during their first month, then the next month would have the numbering respecively start at 004 (100x35) and 003 (88x31).
  • You are allowed to donate up to five link buttons (any combination of sizes) per month and and you will receive one card for each button that is donated.

Trade Cards

  • You must use the template provided here (password: idoltrade). You are free to move the boxes around to your liking in addition to changing the color of the borders. You may also change the stroke color of the text if desired.
  • Filenames must be formatted like this: name###
    • name: Your name in the TCG
    • ###: The number of the trade card that you are donating.
  • You may donate up to three trade cards per month and you will receive two cards for each graphic donated.